I tend to be cheap. Some of you know that. Other words I'd use to describe myself are thrifty and glad to make a good deal. I also know that God has created me and all people to be good stewards of God's things. This is one reason I am drawn to this ministry of empowering orphans in Africa that Zoe Ministry is doing. Doing the most good with the resources God has given to us seems to me to be a faithful act.
There are many orphans and vulnerable children in the world. And followers of the risen Christ are rightly concerned for them since Jesus tells us that as you have done it unto the least of these my children you have done it unto me.
Now you could adopt an orphan for $20 a month for 18 years or so. That would be $4320 to help feed, clothe, and teach an orphan child. Say you decided to do that for 80 orphan children. That would be $345,600. But if you adopt the sharing hope empowerment method that Zoe Ministry is using then you would help those same 80 orphans with $18,000 over three years because at the end of three years the children are equipped to provide food for themselves, have reliable income, provide for their own shelter and have the dignity that comes from not only providing for their family but giving generously to help empower other orphaned children.
This is the principle of empowerment and multiplication and generosity. It has great "bang for the buck!" But because it is rooted in the gospel of Jesus it also has a tremendous bang for the kingdom of God.
Now the empowered orphan children of Africa are challenging me to think about how I am doing this (or not) in my daily activity.
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