Friday, December 9, 2011

Greek Yogurt and Jesus

It is so good!

While visiting my sister’s house during Thanksgiving I looked in her refrigerator for something to eat for breakfast and I saw several packages of Chobani (Greek yogurt). I had never had that kind before. And when I asked if I could have one, my sister said, “Sure! Those are JD’s (my 3 year old nephew). He loves them.”

Wow, it is so good!

I bought some Chobani when I got home and one morning this week I started singing a song about Chobani. Goes like this, “Chobani, Chobani! Everybody loves Chobani!” I said to my daughter Julia, “You would like this yogurt. It is so delicious.” And I was spontaneously led to post this status on Facebook: “I just want to thank my nephew JD for putting me onto Chobani. What a delicious breakfast treat!”

God pointed something out to me in the middle of all this. It’s not hard to be an evangelist for something you love and is so good. You don’t have to work at telling others about something you love. You just do it. It’s not a chore to break out in song about something you love (even if it might be a little off key). When you love something that is so good, you invite people to try it not because you think they will go to hell if they don’t, but because you think their life would be blessed if they did.

The first time I told Julia about Chobani she looked at me with that “That’s nice dad, glad you like it, but no thanks” look. I didn’t berate her for not trying it. I just kept singing about it. It was a few days later when I was tasting another delicious spoonful and saying, “MMmmm!” that Juila said, “Ok! Can I have a Chobani?” Of course I said, “Yes! God gave Chobani for all people who wish to receive it as a gift!” (No, I didn’t really say that.) I just cracked one open, stirred it up, handed it to her and said, “You’re going to love this.”

It seems weird, but God put this thought in my head, “Don’t you think Jesus is at least as good (if not better) than Chobani?”

Yes. Good in a way that a root canal is good. Good in a way that learning math is good. Good in a way that a belly laugh with friends is good. Good in a way that seeds planted, grow into fruit and vegetables is good. Good in a way that sharing a meal with your enemies is good. Good in a way that saying, “I’m sorry” is good. Good in a way that resurrection from the dead is good.

“Yes, God. Jesus is far more disturbingly, interestingly, surprisingly good than Chobani.”

We’re going to sing, say, "MMmmm," fill the communion cup this Sunday at Spring of Life and have a party because of Jesus. I’ve invited some friends. How about you?

It is so good!

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