It is as hot as it gets in Central Florida these days. It is estimated that 75 percent of Americans are chronically dehydrated already. We aren't getting enough water on a regular basis to keep our bodies working like they should.
Considering water is the second most important nutrient to the human body next to oxygen, this is not good. The body is made up of about 70 percent water, which plays a vital role in nearly every bodily process; water is essential for proper digestion and circulation, numerous chemical reactions, nutrient absorption, waste elimination and flexibility of the blood vessels.
This week the triathlon team coach at the YMCA gave everyone on the team a "come to Jesus" speech about staying hydrated this summer. One of the guys on the team got dehydrated and had a heat stroke. He is ok, but his recovery is going to take months and he very well could have died. The summary of her speech is, "Drink regularly." She said it is not only important to drink during a workout, but also before and after. And you shouldn't wait until you are thirsty.
Now the pastor in me can't help making a connection to our spiritual life in all this. First of all, Jesus is our source of "Living Water" according to John 4. And I wonder how many of us feel "spiritually dehydrated" because we only drink from this Living Water occasionally, not at all, or only during our worship "workout" on Sundays? It's great that you are drinking that Living Water on Sundays, but you're going to continue being spiritually dehydrated if you don't drink regularly, before and after worship on Sunday.
Being a disciple of Jesus isn't just about going to worship occasionally or bargaining wtih God to get something we want from God. Being a disciple is regularly following Jesus and drinking regularly of His Living Water so that we become who God created us to be. The goal is to be so regularly hydrated with this Living Water that we begin to love the things God loves.
I challenged everyone in worship last week to consider the last time you made the time to encounter the love of God in Jesus. Seriously, how long has it been? That is the only thing that will truly satisfy us in this world that is chronically spiritually dehydrated.
If you are vacationing this summer, do not neglect your spiritual life. Do not take a vacation from worship. Do not take a vacation from meeting with God in reading the Scriptures. And if you've never done it before, start this summer with one of the gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke or John. Set an appointment wtih God everyday to meet Him and be hydrated by Him. Try the "You Version" app if you have one of those fancy devices. Or ditch the device and go old school - open The Book.
It is dangerous and foolish to not drink regularly in this heat. It just takes some awareness and planning to do it. The same is true for spiritual hydration.
I love the picture of the person handing off water to the runners in the race. It reminds me of the communal nature of our lives both physically and spiritually. Jesus might love you personally, but he never made you to follow him privately. Staying spiritually hydrated isn't possible without a community who will encourage you, hold you accountable and at times give you a "come to Jesus" speech about drinking more reguarly.
Drink well and often this summer (and throughout the year!)
1 comment:
It's funny your should mention "taking a vacation" from God this week Dave. I've wanted to take a vacaton from everything all week. I haven't been in the mood to run (you know, training for the 5K) or participate in any activities while being on "vacation" here in Virginia with my In-Laws. It takes all I have just to get out and participate with them. I just want to sleep. Then comes along my wife, Chris, and says, "come on Bill, it's time for devotions." My In-Laws keep a time together with God every day around 9am and when we are here, we join in. To tell the truth, I don't usually, but I hear from the other room as they read out loud and pray then discuss the message from The Upper Room . I hear the Word and I am filled again for the day. I've never really been one for daily devotions, and it is really hard for me to start, but every time I come up here I get immerced in the Water and refreshed. It gives me the nurishment I need to keep going even when I really don't have the energy to. I thank God for the time I do get. See you next week.
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