Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Practicing Grace

It is funny what makes us feel useful as human beings. Creating this blog gives me this strange sense of useful power. Wierd, I know. Just one small illustration of why I picked this blog title "Practicing Grace." I need a lot of practice to really "get" how God understands usefulness and power. How many vigils by a manger and golgotha is it going to take?! All my life I suppose. I'm prone to practice so much deception between trips to the manger and golgotha that my spirit is confused. So, God give me the grace to practice what will form me into the person you created me to be.

Practicing Grace seems a fitting title for my own formation as a "Traditional, Post-Modern, Progressive, Evangelical, catholic, orthodox, Christian United Methodist pastor." I have to work pretty hard at being intellectual. I do a better job at being practical. But I appreciate both and the way that God takes both our "head and heart" our "faith and practice" and forms us by his grace.

If nothing else, having a blog titled "Practicing Grace" will be some measure of accountability for me to stop long enough to consider the ways we see and experience the grace of God at work in the world. A worthy practice indeed!


Michael Entner said...

Awesome -- you did it!!! I love your self description of "Traditional, Post-Modern, Progressive, Evangelical, catholic, orthodox, Christian United Methodist pastor." Ditto -- except for the Pastor part, and I have to add mystical, scientific, and Emergent. Lots of contradictions huh? I love the tension. To me, nothing is black and white!

Unknown said...

Pretty cool -- you're going high-tech Pastor Dave!