Thursday, August 7, 2008

Having the Time of My Life

When Carolyn and I first started being pastors in the United Methodist Church back in 1996 I remember sitting across the desk from our District Superintendent and hearing him ask, "Tell me what you see yourself in 10 years."

I thought it was an odd request. And I didn't know if he was fishing for something or not. But my answer was basically, "Leading a local church to be the church somewhere in Florida."

Some pastors may get juiced by getting "promoted" to a larger church where they can make more money and have more "status." But I get more satisfaction out of seeing the church be the church whatever its size. I don't know if there is a "perfect size" church. Sure there are different dynamics in a church of 75, a church of 250 and a church of 500 plus. At some point the role of pastors and staff as well as expectations of the congregation change as a church body grows numerically.

What I can tell you is that I am having the time of my life in ministry right now. Don't get me wrong, I see plenty of room for improvement and growth at Spring of Life. But I'm very excited to see the kind of community of faith we are becoming.

Here is an example. This week the church got an email from me about a family of 5 that had been kicked out of the home they were renting because the owner had his hours cut at work and the home was repossessed by the bank. Some people offered prayer. Some people offered work. And others offered housing possibilities. And because of a long-term commitment of the whole church to build a simple, multi-functional building, the church was able to offer a few hours during the day for this family to stay and play while dad looked for work and housing. Come to think of it, without the building, this family wouldn't have found Spring of Life to begin with.

This family is now on a waiting list to enter the Interfaith Hospitality Network, a ministry that helps homeless families with children get back on their feet. Also a ministry that this church is considering participating in.

Add to this a committed and talented Children's Ministry Director, Worship Music Leader, and Church Administrator along with a host of volunteer ministers you have a church that is developing the practices of passionate worship, radical hospitality, intentional faith development, risk taking mission and service and extravagant generosity.

Beginning this September we will begin a five week series in worship that focuses on each of those ministry practices of the church. Everyone will be invited to take a specially prepared devotional book called, "Cultivating Fruitfulness" to read and reflect on individually at home. There will be some small group gatherings on Tuesday evenings in September to process what we are reading and learning together as well.

As we pray and reflect together on these five essential practices of the church I'm convinced that many more people at Spring of Life will join me in having the time of their life in ministry. I'm so enthusiastic about how God's Spirit will lead us together this fall.

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